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Daily Truth

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spark Truths

A few years ago I found myself struggling with the truth. The truth about who I was, what I was and eventually who God was.

The Lord began to show me truths and teach me that what He thought of me mattered more than what anyone else thought.
For years I had thought of myself as a confident, strong woman, but as soon as life got difficult and when things weren’t going my way and as soon as I learned that I couldn’t control anything…that confidence waned and the strength was gone.

God began to strip me of everything that was not pure or of Him.

I soon found that I didn’t trust Him as much as I thought I did. The faith I thought I had was overcome by the fear I dealt with daily; And I valued appearances so much more than reality.

I soon found myself in despair, lonely, vulnerable and small.

Everything that I use to know or think was in vain.
The confidence and strength that I thought I had was nothing but vanity and pride.

God had so much more to give me: Confidence in Him and His Word. Strength In His arms.

I had to learn the Truths. Real truths. God’s truths.

I realized that I had been speaking and believing lies for too long. I needed truth spoken into me. I needed to speak it, to believe it and to live it. And I needed to speak it into the ones that I loved as well so that I could break those lies for good.

It has been a long battle. And even when I thought I had won, that I had overcome, I know now that it is a battle that I must continue to fight daily.

And so I begin this Journey and I encourage you to join me as we encounter what God believes about us, what he desires of us and what he has called us to. I encourage you to seek him and his truths with me and to SPARK TRUTHS into your life and into the lives of those you minister to daily.

"Lord, here we go! Thank you for constantly challenging me and for not giving me more than I can handle! Your truths are so sweet Lord and so good. Help me to believe them. To know them. Help me to be encouraged by your words and to meditate on them daily so that I will not fall into the trap of lies. Help me to spark life into my family and those I love daily. In your  preciouse name, amen."


What are some lies that you have believed about yourself? What are the truths? Ask the Lord to help you erase those lies from your head so that you can walk with confidence in who He says you are.

Actions to take

As your spend time in the word write down any scriptures that speak truth into your life; whether it is scripture on what God says about you or the promises he has given to you. And when you start thinking about those lies, go back to what you wrote down and remember the truth!

Spark Challenges
  • I will memorize John 8:32
  • I will Spark truth into my life and stop believing the lies.
  • I will find confidence and strength in God alone.
  • I will Spark truth into the ones I love daily so they will not believe any lies.
Spark Truths to Remember

"He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken." Psalms 62:2

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Ephesians 4:29

"For your love is ever before me, and I walk continually in your truth." Psalms 26:3

"Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place." Psalms 51:6

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go! Love it!